Friday, February 15, 2008

Tired of this White Stuff?

Going through some of my images-this one caught my is a beautiful time of year! The weather is enjoyable, the colors are pretty, and people are out enjoying the day as they know that the days will be short, bringing the White Stuff upon us. In my opinion, the snow is around just too long. I want to be out photographing the beauty around us. This is one of the images that caught the "beauty" around them, as well as the love they share for each other.
We photographed this couple for their wedding, and now they are compiling the images they want for their album. I love it when they get the images from their wedding, as the complaint I always get from a Bride and Groom is..."there are too many to choose from, they are all so great, how can I choose from so many wonderful pictures? I want them all". Fine with me!!!

Have a great "white day",


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love the new boarder, isn't so much more interesting to show images? Now talk about what new ideas you plan to do after attending your professional photographer seminar.