Well, no. I just got carried away with the busy schedule again today. I dropped my grandsons off early today only to start my day with a Bride stopping by to put her order in from her wedding day. Now, we get to design her album since she has chosen the images she wants in her album. Her sister joined her in this process giving some suggestions to the Bride for images in her album. It was fun to see them work together. As they left, the sister said, "you'll have 3 weddings for sure in the next years". What an uplift to know that the family was happy with our work as well.
The image attached is just a special effect that had been created. Cute little girl---but busy body!!!!
The day continued with business. It was a great day. We thought we would leave today to go up North, but too much to catch up on. We want our clients happy, so thought we would get another day in with orders to submit...only to get them delivered to all of you, rather than make you wait. We will go off and enjoy the weekend with family and friends on Friday. If, and that is "IF" I can get internet access, I will keep you updated of our fun weekend planned. Take care.