Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Hoping all of you and your loved ones will enjoy the holidays with the ones you love. May you have a blessed and safe holiday.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Joy of my Partner

What a surprise to see that my partner for life and in business wishes all of you ( and me ) a wonderful new year. He is always allowed to participate in blogging with me as he is my partner. The new year will bring images for you to see...at this time, our business has closed down for the holiday through the end of the year so that we may enjoy our family as our sons are coming home with their wives from out of state to stay for the week. Our daughter and family will spend all that time with us at our home, they live only 15 miles away. It will be such a joy to be with everyone....
Have a blessed holiday,

The Mayers
Magic Moments Photography

Saturday, December 22, 2007

I wanted to take this opportunity to wish my wife a very Merry Holiday Season.

Now all of you know what a truly lucky man I am to have her by my side.

Yesterday was hectic as the last of the Xmas shoppers were coming and going as they picked up their portraits.

It was fantastic seeing customers arriving with anticipation on their faces and leaving with broad smiles and happiness after receiving their images.

It is truly the most wonderful time of the year !! Who sang that?

As we close the doors on 2007 we reflect back on a great year. In the days ahead, I know Wifey wants to add some photos of the past year to this posting for all of you to enjoy. I do not know how many times she will allow me (her husband) to be a guest contributor to her blog but when given the chance again I will try to do her proud.

To all of you, have a very merry holiday season and a fantastic new year. I hope all of your New Year's resolutions last much longer than the normal 24-36 hours that mine do...

Happy New Year! signed... Wifey's Husband....

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Oh, they look sooooo mean

Photographed 90 + wrestlers yesterday....they are so cute trying to look so mean. Today was a day of finishing up with the submission of basketball kids the other day. Gotta try to remember how to put a pic on the blog so you can see some of my work....whoops, like I've always said "Use it or lose it"

Monday, December 17, 2007

Absent Day Retake

Setting up and taking down took longer than photographing the little ones that were absent at the preschool we did back in Oct. But oh, the smiles....and challenges to get them to smile...gotta make mommy happy. Next come the composites which everyone looks forward to as they get a photo of the whole class. Busy days are still ahead with the deliveries of the last minute rush.
Have yourselves a blessed holiday.